Thursday, April 05, 2007


Birthday plans for the day:
Class from 9 to 1.
Working on my MA paper.
Working on my labor presentation for Tuesday (paper on adolescent motherhood and lifetime earnings. Real page turner).
Working on my econometrics paper. (???)

Yet another birthday well spent.

What I want to do:
Spend a few minutes going through back strips of Achewood, Get Fuzzy, and Pearls Before Swine.
Have a good drink.
Have a good meal.
Read more of 1453.
Watch South Park.

I recall a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon where Calvin asks Hobbes what he wishes for most, and Hobbes says he wants a sandwich. Calvin berates him saying that he should want to be all-powerful, or fly, or something cool like that. Then it shows Hobbes with a sandwich and a very frustrated Calvin, and Hobbes contentedly saying: "I got my wish."

Here's to birthdays :)

Thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes. Love you all!

1 comment:

Arely said...
