Thursday, April 26, 2007


So I still don't have an introduction and a conclusion, but the rest of the paper is completely done (20 pages too). I took a two page summary of the work in to my advisor and asked him to read it and see if he had any critiques or suggestions before I turned in the actual paper.
He looked over it, said he liked the idea, liked where I went with it and said that it should be accepted. I went into the director of graduate studies and asked if he needed me to submit the papers to him as well, and he said an e-mail from my professor was all he required.

So in other words, when I go to turn in that last completed MA paper tomorrow, I'm pretty much graduated. Just need to finish the last of my coursework in Microeconometrics (due around May 8th). I think I just graduated.

If anyone is interested I'll post a brief review of the second paper as well. So far the title is: "The Effect of Remittances and Emigration on Human Capital Development in the Origin Country."

Indian Student Update: While little is being said about the new arrest warrant out for Richard Gere (aside from a few light hearted jokes), they are still mad as hell about losing to Bangladesh. I've heard everything from exiling the entire team, to "making an example" of the coach, to.. other... less pleasant alternatives. Most of them produced by those students who are usually pacifists, and extremely anti-violence. At least Gere didn't kiss a cricket player.


Arely said...

Economics is SO HOT coming from you!
I miss youuuu!!!
Congratulations sweetie.... it sounds like a fascinating paper, which I hope I get to read (though you can expect a call from me: "Sweetie, so what exactly is... uh...cant say it. I'll just spell this out for you...")
Wujuuuuu for a well... DONE... job!! BRAAVO!!!
~tu Ardilla

Unknown said...

I'm glad you had a few MA papers (2, 3?) because 20 pages!!!??? My first three chapters for my thesis are pushing 30 pages!
Congratulations again, however. It feels awesome I bet. I'm looking forward to that feeling!

Arely said...

do you realize you havent posted anything for over a month? I miss the blog... :*