The Wall Street Journal in their Friday the 24th issue had a special article on another possible source of biofuel: Jatropha. There's a similar, earlier written (and in my opinion a bit easier to read), BBC online article that can be found by clicking here. Let me sum the main points up: the jatropha plant is a weed that can grow in deserts; apparently even in one as unforgiving as Sonora. Even though its a bit unreliable as far as yields of oil (I think some good old selective adaptation should help that, just like it helped out steak), jatropha still seems to be a better alternative than say... I dunno... CORN. Finally it can be grown side by side with staple crops used as food. Since it is not a food crop (poisonous), farmers won't be making the trade off in the market of whether or not to sell their grains to biofuel or to food markets (meaning the predicted price increase in corn might not actually occur and people might actually be able to eat). Now I know the next question: what about a trade off in using land. Jatropha has been used in India as a liner crop around farms to keep pests out. It grows without disturbing the other crops. On top of that, you can grow Jatropha in more places than you can grow corn. WSJ has a nice little graph, but it shows the price of corn ethanol per barrel is $83. The price of Sugar Cane Ethanol (my personal favorite) is at a cool $45. The price of Jatropha per barrel? $43. Yeah. Half as much.
It can be grown in areas where corn can't be grown, for far longer. It's half the price. Best of all, it can be used to develop some areas in the Southwestern United States that could use a bit of an agricultural and manufacturing boost. And if the US doesn't want to take advantage of it, we can import it (probably at a cheaper price). God bless world trade.
But I'm going to be honest with myself. I would love to see the Southwestern States get a big boost, while at the same time sticking it to Midwestern corn farmers. There. I said it. This is for you, Midwestern Corn Farmer. Stop pushing your hippy-lies about efficient bio fuel when you know you just want to make money like all the rest of us. Hush up about ethanol, take your government subsidies, and continue to feed the world.
It should be noted the WSJ got this info on Jatropha from a recent Goldman Sachs study. That's right. WSJ and Goldman Sachs. Helping my arguments against corn.
Barta, Patrick. "Jatropha Plant Gains Steam in Global Race for Biofuels." The Wall Street Journal. Friday, August 24, 2007. Vol. CCL No. 46. P1.
Would Jatropa grow in say...Anapra?
I'll have to introduce you to our friends Chet and Adrienne. . .you'd have a lot to talk about!
you are too knowledgeable for me sometimes.
Goooooooo SUGAR!!!
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