Yes I see you on your 1.5 horse power go-toy. Stealing space near the bike racks. Never signaling your turns. Driving a motor powered vehicle on the sidewalks and glaring down pedestrians as if they've done something wrong in just being in your way. You have multiplied, my old campus nemesis. A whole army of 105 pound, emo-listening, "ironic" t-shirt wearing, messy haired moped yuppies, cruising the main drag because you think you're saving the environment with your trendy piece of plastic death.
Are those paper thin plastic helmets supposed to be ironic too? Because they will be when you fall off that heap of plastic attached to a lawn mower motor and fracture your skull.
Do yourself a favor: buy a motorcycle and die with dignity or buy a bike a bike, learn to signal, and wear some real protection.
And the next time you take up two bike rack spaces, leaving me to chain my bike to the stairwell, and then unexpectedly swerve off the sidewalk right in front of where I am biking legally on the road, without signaling: don't expect your tires to be inflated when you come out. I'm just saying... pocket knives have a habit of tearing into scooter tires.
On my bike, I have faced down garbage trucks, dogs, bobcats, armadillos, and angry housewives of Highland Park in Hummers. You think I'm going to tolerate das moped nerds?
... oh yeah, I nearly ran into a family of bobcats crossing the road the other day. It was sweet. They were cute in a terrifyingly violent sorta way. God bless Midwestern college towns.
Geez, where are the cops when you need them to hand out tickets for driving on the sidewalk, eh? Did you take a pic of the bobcat family?? How cute!... and frightening.
aw. I still like mopeds. I might get me one when I get there. Tell you what, though, my driving will probably make their lives a hell... and you will still have your revenge! :">
You're going to have to wear a real helmet then sweety. All the time. :P
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