Monday, February 20, 2012

Full Office Space...

Nearly 7 AM.  The beeping... the damn beeping...

Let me share my hatred with you.  Let me pour out my unbridled disgust.  Let me unload by burning desire to destroy something so completely that it frightens me how close I am teetering back and forth off the edge of the abyss of madness.  I have looked into that abyss... and it is the BabyCall Rechargeable NTM 910 Baby Monitor from Sony.  Damn you, Sony.... damn you all to hell.

My wife and I, back in a simpler time, a quieter time, when we looked forward to a bright and happy future without our new baby registered this baby monitor with Target.  The price seems reasonable.  The reviews are good.  What fools we were... what fools... and our dear friend bought it for us, at our desire.  If only we had known... the horror... the horror.

It started with a few chirps.  An annoying alarm clock like sound to tell you when its "out of range."  How could it be out of range in a 2 bedroom/2 bath apartment?  Well, never mind.  And then came the static hissing.  Loud, random, "TSSSSH!" right out of the radio that cared not for lower volume settings.  I comforted my wife, "Surely we can figure out how to minimize that."  What a terrible imbecile I was.  What ignorance in the face of the beeping, staticy maw of unfathomable doom.

For three months it has beeped and "TSSSH!"ed at all hours.  It has woken my baby from the other room with an inexplicably loud "OUT OF RANGE!!!" beep.  This plastic radio siren has woken me up more than my infant child at night, and I'm willing to bet has "cried" more.

It is too late for me.  But to you dear reader, who has not purchased it, there is still time.  Stay away from the Sony BabyCall NTM 910!  There's is the path of blighted insanity, lost sleep, and endless frustration.

In other words: I hate this thing.  So much.  So very, very much.  I'm going to go full on "Office Space" on this thing when I get the chance.

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